Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


40 entries this month

22:32 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 1,157

112 temp and two and half hours in the kiddy pool. :D

Now to shower, dress up for the musical performance tonight, Cat's niece is in it. So her Mom and me are going to watch her.

Only flaw that I see about tonight -- I will have to put makeup on.


Been so long since I have done that.



22:41 Jun 30 2012

I can't wait to see what you do! :)

22:56 Jun 30 2012

It is 112 here too.

Been in the water all day here .

Have fun tonight.C'ept the makeup..its too hot!!

Be safe!

Have fun :D

22:59 Jun 30 2012

"Hot summer nights" makeup.

18:06 Jul 02 2012

Oh that sounds pretty damn hellish.


14:15 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 869

Ahhh... what a great morning. I got up early and finished the housework, went and got a dozen of donuts for the repair/ service department at the A/C place, got my car washed. And home to sit outside to watch the birds at the feeder and bird bath for a hour. :)

And it is only 9:00 am.

Got to love a weekend that starts that way.



17:04 Jun 30 2012

Glad things are cooling down.


19:40 Jun 29 2012
Times Read: 887

Lord..... I can makes such a fool out of myself.

Last night I came home to a hot house, called the repair company and left a message on the machine. Then I tried to get some sleep. Now due to the heat, and not having work, and working late into the night- I had no plans to go into the office today.

I didn't fall sleep till around 4:00, due to the heat. But I set my alarm at 7:50 am so I could call the repair company again, not take a chance they would not listen to the message.

I did- the man on the phone told me to turn off the unit from what I was telling him. The fan on top of the unit was not working, humming, and blowing warm air.

I did- then went back to sleep after calling my sister to tell her what I had done, and to call me when they call her to let me know they was on the way.

They called her, she sent them up, I was still asleep as it was before 10:00 am.


So I sat in this hot house after I got up before 11:00 am, did laundry because I had no clean clothing, and really heated the house up. So it is 94 in the house, cooler outside in the shade when I called the repair place to see if I was going to get a repair man today, or at least Saturday.

Only to be told it was fixed. Early this morning, no one was home, did not answer the door. I must of not heard the knock as I had three fans on high in my room, door closed.

And just how silly I sounded on the phone calling about a repair they already did...

Turned the AC on, cool air, the unit fan is running as it pulls out the hot air. Already drop in half a hour 6 degrees.

But the lady told me if I had any other problems to call- they will come out in the morning if need be.


I will have to buy them some donuts and take them down there. lol



19:47 Jun 29 2012

I wonder who the donut really is?!! lol

19:49 Jun 29 2012

LOL awwwww poor ratty. I'm sure they understand hehe

22:43 Jun 30 2012

I'm just glad it's working as it's too hot to live without around here now.


17:09 Jun 29 2012
Times Read: 900

Heat index is 105.

And my A/C stopped late yesterday.

Put a call in to the repair, on the long long list.

One of the rental homes is in the same boat as me but his girlfriend, who also rents from us, A/C is working so he is staying at her home till it is fixed.

But I have three fans running in the living romm, so laundry has to be done, a little house work. But after that... couch for me.

And our area is also canceling the fireworks from all the dry grass, fear of fire. I am cool with that as this year I am not in the mood to sit for three hours outside, waiting. TV fireworks are fine by me.

Saturday Cat's niece is doing a performace with a group, flute player. I am going to that but no other plans in this heat. My sis is going to take a break from taking care of Mom, another sister coming down to stay with her. I am on call in case she needs help. Don't plan on being away from the house much.


Now to firgure out how to cook without heating the house.... guess it is time for the dutch oven/ grill.



17:23 Jun 29 2012

Yuup time for a salad!

Our house doesn't have air conditioning. We survive by using the following techniques:

Strategic room shut off and window shade closing.

Strategic window opening.




01:40 Jun 29 2012
Times Read: 924

Listening to Garth Brooks song Friends in Low Places and tried to remember the video. Yeap= song didn't have one.

I looked it up because I was thinking while I listen to the song today it would be neat if a woman redid this song.

A country club with a party going on, crowd, and whispers of "Where is Ann?" "Who is she?" "Did they break up?" some older men shaking their heads in wonder as they look at the man *the cheater* and his new lady friend who is all dressed up, hands all over the guy.

Open double doors, and in steps a pair of red cowboy boots. Ann, the singer of the song, comes in and the song starts. The band goes with it, the bartender starts pouring whiskey as the folks start turning against the man and his new tart.

They start getting herded toward the doors she came in, a line dance start with staff dancing with the old money. As they are walking out the door, a older man steps up and closes the door in their faces.

Yeap- I think it would be a good song for a woman to do, switch a few words.



01:45 Jun 29 2012

I won a big karaoke contest years ago doing a Garth song, but it wasn't that one. Still... this reminded me of it :D

09:58 Jun 29 2012

You have me going to Utube now as I don't think I know this song!

18:05 Jun 29 2012

I now have a copy of this track in my playlist :-)

18:35 Jun 29 2012

:D You must of liked it then. Yeah! Still think it would be a great song to be redone by a woman.

22:34 Jun 29 2012

*saying in my best old lady voice*


Yeah. that's how I feel these days...lol


21:36 Jun 28 2012
Times Read: 947

You know- I really want to write a journal about something on VR right now... but I won't.

Just gets my panties in a bunch with how you are playing this up, getting that pity vote.

But that is alright- the bunched up panties are being traded in for a swimsuit, and a pool.

Went to work this morning at 5:30 for a office move to beat the heat, home by 3:00pm. Temp outside is 100.

And I am going swimming. :D

Before I have to work tonight.



23:36 Jun 28 2012

I hope I wasn't taken in .. again!!

Kudos' for going swimming.

01:44 Jun 29 2012

Someone's getting pity? Where's my share??? lol


21:16 Jun 26 2012
Times Read: 969

*sings the jingle*

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there... on the beach, cool breeze with a cold drink.

*waits, nothing*

What a rip off!~



01:11 Jun 27 2012

Just a bit more concentration and I am sure you'll make it work.


02:13 Jun 26 2012
Times Read: 1,008

Sandbox thread-

" Throughout our lives we encounter situations where we imagine that a routine item in our world has magical properties....a drill just for a moment becomes a gun, a rug becomes a magic carpet....and so on....what household item/s have you imagined to have magical or fantastic properties...."

Ohhh the remark I could make about BOB.




03:18 Jun 26 2012

I have nothing but really dirty things to say.

03:55 Jun 26 2012

Hey! No talking about my firefighting friend! ;p

19:04 Jun 26 2012

Giggles..........BOB.......giggles again.....

05:06 Jun 27 2012

aw darn it I just snorted my pop again!

07:05 Jun 27 2012


*reaches for the keyboard from the floor with tears in my eyes....*



20:22 Jun 25 2012
Times Read: 1,068

Several members here have a reputation. You know those comments others make when a member’s name is brought about.

“She is nothing but drama.”

“He is an ass, stay away from him.”

“She is always bitching about the site and it’s admins.”

“He use to be an admin, always bitching about the site but will never leave it now matter how much we wish he would.”

“Back stabber.”

“Fucking loon.”

“Fine when you are agreeing with her, just don’t cross her.”

Now I have always made my own call on folks. It is harder to do online, but I watch. I read the words they write, how they interact with other members. I make my own call on the folks I call friends, those that I talk to.

I always recall the saying “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stone.”

Maybe you should get some mirrors in that glass house- so you can see you are not one to throw stones.



20:29 Jun 25 2012

Yeah, that captainglobehead guy...you gotta watch out for him. Did you know he...

Shh, shh...quiet...here he comes...

20:32 Jun 25 2012

I would end up looking in the mirror all day, drawing. >.>

What is that joke... "If you own a glass house, throw nude parties."? lol

21:33 Jun 25 2012

Nobody should throw stones..that's crappy behaviour and most unbecoming.

22:46 Jun 25 2012

We should all use our own judgement and gut. Imagine if we only made our choices in life based on other people's point of view?

Kind of reminds me when some people here created an online petition to try and convince Cancer to infinitely ban a particular member. Most people knew then that if that is how things worked here- those people that were involved in that petition would have been booted from the site way before.

Never regret making your own decisions. I would only regret having my strings pulled by someone else. Although these "someone else's" are pissed we won't be marionettes for them... I guess it just sucks when people realize their power of persuasion is zero. :)

20:12 Jun 26 2012

I think it is important to make your own judgements. I know that situations are not the same with everyone.

However, I know there have been some times where I have been 'screwed over' and found out later that it wasn't just me, but numerous people. Had I have been at least told then perhaps I would have been more aware and cautious.

I don't think some people are throwing stones in glass houses, they are using a damn wrecking ball.


01:36 Jun 25 2012
Times Read: 1,090

Meeting Silverbow was great. Four hours of laughs, good food and fun. Meet her daughter and her son, her hubby having to change his plans to fly on out to the new home.

Silverbow has always helped in the House when asked, always given good advice. And she just hits me as a woman who had a calm about her.

Today I learned I was not wrong. A good energy flows off her, as well as a wisdom. She is great with her children, heck.. I even sat up straighter. lol

She missed her calling- she is the one that should be in the military. ;)

I give you Silverbow, Nightgame in the back, Elemental on the right and me in front with the VR tshirt.

I have been looking forward to meeting this woman for month, since she hinted that they was planning a stop to Kentucky on the way to the new base. Very glad it happen as this is one great family.

Hope we can meet up again at some point.



01:39 Jun 25 2012

She is totally wonderful. I loved being around her as well. I am so glad it went well. It looks like you had a fab time! :D -jealous- lol ;)

02:59 Jun 25 2012

You're so very right, she's great and meeting the family was a wonderful time. It was a real blast!

09:01 Jun 25 2012

I am so jealous of you right now. All four of you look so happy.

21:36 Jun 25 2012

Another super photo :) keep them coming..

01:42 Jun 26 2012

Phew I am glad that neither of you turned out to be a psycho killer... that would have been aaawkward.

07:07 Jun 26 2012



01:05 Jun 24 2012
Times Read: 1,116

Long but peaceful day. Laundry and housework done, dishes washed up. Just put two small pork butts in the pressure cooker for pulled pork this week. :)

Swim a little, helped sister with a few things, got the paperwork ready for Monday job. Went and checked on Cat's ..well...cats while they was gone out of town overnight.

And we leave in the morning to go see Silverbow and her family. :D 10:00 am is not a bad time to get up, way later then I did today.

Kind of nervous about meeting her. I am always a nervous about meeting folks from online. Not afraid but just... what do we talk about? Will I sit there like a lump on a log? What if they can't understand me, my lisp? What if..what if..what if.


I think that is why I stay close to only a few people in real life. All those What if's.

Oh- and to top off the worry about the meet up- I have a cold sore. Came up last night. Sure it is work related, and too much sun in the pool.

Not only will I bore her, I will look like a disformed fat lip monster doing it. :/

Mmmm.. that pork is starting to smeel good. Love dry garlic spice.



02:33 Jun 24 2012

Oh - go for it. If you're friends comfortably here, you will be when meeting face to face. Have a great time!

(I want some of that pork...)

03:58 Jun 24 2012

It'll be fine. I'd love some pulled pork as well.

If you can stand it, take a bit of acetone on a q-tip or cotton ball and dab it on the cold sore for as long as you can handle. It always helps me.

05:16 Jun 24 2012

Don't worry about Silverbow and crew. They are all cool and probably will do most of the talking anyways. lol. Silverbow has a way of making you relax, so no worries. Give them hugs from us and take one for yourself. I'm jealous that she is getting to meet you first!!

11:12 Jun 24 2012

You have a LISP!?!?!

Since when?

23:41 Jun 24 2012

Oh I am sure the two of you will have a blast...and stop worrying so much :-)


17:43 Jun 23 2012
Times Read: 1,123

Last week had a few things happen I haven't shared yet.

Was following a SUV along a road, bringing a man to work as he doesn't have a ride that day, when I see a small white kitten fall out from under it. It had just pulled into the road from a subdivision, must of been in the motor or something. I jerked the wheel, went around it.

Poor thing- so young and already lost two of it's nine lives. :) It ran off into a yard so I hope it was alright. It sure hit that road hard, rolling about in front of me.

Thursday night I was sitting at the movie threater parking lot waiting for the pick up time to roll around. I watch as two women, one tall slim man, and a young child of 4 or 5 years of age comes out. Mind you it is close to 10:00 pm. So I am thinking the child should be in bed, then thinking just how bitchy I can be.

They stood beside a car and a pick up. Seems the guy drove the pick up, while the youngest of the women was flirting with him. Or would of if the little older woman, that I took as the child mother, would hush up. The child wanted to be picked up- she wouldn't. She wanted her mother to hold her hand, she wouldn't.

Now when I young I mean the ladies looked to be 16, the older one about 20. Way to young to have a child I think. There- I said it. Yes it depends on the person, and some make great mothers. But really? How can you know or understand life when you have a child in High School? *sigh* And who the hell wants to be a mother at that young? You life is just starting- why be tied down with a child for 18 years? And why does the goverment pay you to had this child? Support you by how many kids you got?

Anyway- back to what happen.

The child stood as the adults chatted away, even pulling a stranger *male of course* into the talk by asking the time. Talking about where they wanted to go to get something to eat- the child got bored enough she started to run around the parked cars. Mind you- the parking lot has cars going in and out as the movies are let out.

The woman never stop the child at all. It was only after the stranger left the group that she even looked about to see the girl about 6 cars away, following another couple to their car. She yelled at her to come to her, then went right back to flirting with the slim tall boy.

WTH? Right? I called the cops. Seems they was in the area as by the time I pulled up to the theater front door, walked in to get the movie, and humping the 70 lbs box to the car, a police car was there. That was after 10:00 pm, about 10:15. Makes you wonder if they was ever going to get that child to bed that night.

Seems the couple that she followed to a car was talking to them. They must of not left the parking lot yet. Slim tall guy was trying to leave, but the police man had him blocked in. The two ladies was there, the mother holding her daughter's hand now.

Shame- when kids have kids, everyone suffers it seems. I can see why more and more grandparents are raising these kids.



02:41 Jun 24 2012

Oh God...I see young mothers like that a lot. And I'm usually thinking "Sucking from the gov't, huh, bitch?" I know that I'm harsh sometimes, but really...I recall one occasion when I actually caught a lil' toddler from going out into the street, as his mom was busy yelling into her cellphone. I told her off too.

And that poor kitty - I'm sure it was keeping warm on the engine. To make it more tragic - if it was a solid white kitten with blue eyes - the poor thing is most likely deaf.

I've learned that before getting into a vehicle and starting up the engine, one should bang on the hood before taking off. That way, any lil' critters inside will come out.


01:57 Jun 23 2012
Times Read: 1,134

:D Nothing like bombing Meeper with honor.

Poor gal is wounded with her ankle, so it is nice to show her we care.

One other member I will meet in person at some point in my life. She is too close to family not to.



02:51 Jun 23 2012

Haha I went to drop my payload and see that you got her but GOOD.

Please tell her to get well soon for us out here?


22:22 Jun 22 2012
Times Read: 1,145

See Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is out. Sis was telling me about the axe/ rifle that is shown in the movie- seems some well known gun makers/ metal worker in Kentucky made this weapon. :)

Yeah Kentucky!

We do love our weapons.



23:22 Jun 22 2012

I can't wait till this shows over here as it's pretty much up there as a ''must see.''

I've heard about you gals and your weapons, violent race you southerners :-p


17:47 Jun 22 2012
Times Read: 1,158

Long week, and really really getting to the limit of my caring.

On the other hand- :D Getting to meet Silverbow and her family this Sunday. YEAH!! Just hope her move is going well.



18:08 Jun 22 2012

Ohhh I adore her and her family. You guys will have a wonderful time! :D

19:37 Jun 22 2012

You gys are so lucky all living in the same country..

20:23 Jun 22 2012

At least you'll be in good company at the weekend. Have fun and relax ;-)


00:51 Jun 22 2012
Times Read: 1,174

Ironic.. don't you think?

Long day with one man not showing up for work. Lucky us, another filled in with a phone call. So said no show man never called in so... the fill in is working Friday. And if I don't change my mind... might be taking his place in the crew.

So long day that started crappy turned better.

Home to find out I got a office move for the Federal government, having had my name given by another move we did, just different agency.

That involves me getting a dumpster to 'trash' several desk and outdated items. Never done that before.

Wow- one hand they tell me I don't have enough finical sturdiness to stay in business as another hand ask me to move them, and help them out more then I normal do. Which I will- with a smile.

Means I make a trip to a town called Hazard to take cartons for them to start packing, and get the dumpster paid and placed.

Tonight I have a movie run- from our town to... Hazard. O.o

It is about a hour away so... 11:20 pm delivery tonight to the movie place a whole three doors down from where I have to go back to by 9:30 am Friday.

Going to be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, have to be back to get the crew off for the move they have, pick up one of the guys who I often go get for work as he doesn't have a ride. So ....back home by 1:00, up at 6:45 am, go get him, get crew off to work, load packing, and return to the town I left 9 hours before. lol

Like I said... isn't it ironic, don't ya think?



22:32 Jun 22 2012

Maybe you should tell Morri about this- maybe it is a more humane way to kill her chickens.....


00:41 Jun 21 2012
Times Read: 1,193

Sis was telling me about the video of the elder lady on a school bus, being paid to ride it to help keep the bullies in control, how for ten minutes this video shows her being called all kind of names, rude comments, sexual questions, just over the line crap that made the lady cry. I mean- this woman is in her late 50's. I just watched it.

I am sorry but ... some kids just need the shit slap out of them. I would of pulled the bus over, made the kids get out, and called the school that they needed to come get these kids.

Really folks- shit like this is just too much.

What are kids being taught today?

If I had been seen saying one word cross to this elder lady, who takes it without saying much at all, I would of had not been able to sit for a month from the beating.

Cabin, in the woods, away from another living soul is sounding better and better.

This just pisses me off to no end. Damn kids needs to answer for their actions.

But then- most adults don't so why would I think kids would?



01:28 Jun 21 2012

I agree whole heartedly. Some bullies need a taste of their own medicine sometimes, make them think twice...

02:35 Jun 21 2012

What is worse for me? It was in Greece, NY. Where I grew up. Its shameful. The poor woman.

03:02 Jun 21 2012

I think I saw that video - it made me so mad. And it reaffirmed why I dislike most teens.

And to answer you question - the kids aren't being taught anything...anything good and relevant anyway. Home training went by the wayside a generation ago, it seems.

22:50 Jun 21 2012

Teenagers are evil- and I include the 20 somethings I have to work with. That cabin on the mountain is indeed looking better and better- so is winning the lottery-

And I'm with you- not only would I have gotten the shit beat out of me when I got to school by the principal, but my parents would have beaten the shit out of me when I got home.

14:19 Jun 22 2012

did you see the fundraiser to give her a vacation?

OMG I'm tearing up thinking about it! Someone started one like the Oatmeal's "Bear love good, cancer bad" to send this woman on a vacation (originally they were trying for a couple thousand)...

It's raised over 100,000.... I'm hoping the woman retires and gets that happy ending we're all striving to make happen.

17:42 Jun 22 2012

I did Doe. Last I read it was at 140,000.00 Now... see... I hope she gives some of that to charity tho.

She was on TV and they asked why she did nothing. What could she do? Hit them? Yell at them? Then she would of been sued. The 'rider' might work for young kids but teens? They need a security guard, one that can make a list of the problem children and get them suspended. Sorry but this lady was in between a rock and a hard place. You want them to control the kids- give them something to control them with.


22:22 Jun 20 2012
Times Read: 1,204

Long day.... pool time. :D At least for a few hours. Then dinner, some work on the computer, the bed as it starts all over again in the morning.

Be glad to have these two 'house swaps' done.




01:46 Jun 19 2012
Times Read: 1,238

Been thinking today of how important a book cover is. When I want to learn about a subject- the book cover doesn't really matter. I mean if I want to learn about a president you would think his photo would be the front cover. No big deal.

But for a fun fiction book- romance, mystery, horror or sci fi... have to stay the book cover is the first thing that catches my eye.

That and the title.

Made me realize how many times I purchase a book because the front cover caught my eye so that I read the intro, peak my interest to read.


My bed is calling me. Along with a good book. ;)



01:55 Jun 19 2012

Sweet dreams :-)

03:50 Jun 19 2012

Yeah. It takes a damn good image to do that. Almost as if two awesome artists combining their talents could make the most epic book cover ever.

04:10 Jun 19 2012

Sounds like a plan to me...I've just started another book, and it's a sci-fi doomsday thriller with religious overtones...yeah!

05:05 Jun 19 2012

I'm the same way when it comes to books.

Sleep well, Rattie. ♥

09:04 Jun 19 2012

The same could be said for a good record/CD cover too. It's how I got into Blondie :-p

22:46 Jun 19 2012

What makes me want to read a book - any book - is the opening sentence, nothing else. :)


Way to honor the military men and women! :)

00:21 Jun 16 2012
Times Read: 1,260

Another reason *like I need one* to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter-

AOL News:

20th Century Fox has a very special way to premiere its summer tentpole film "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". The studio brought the cast and crew of the Timur Bekmambetov-directed thriller to the special screening of the film at the USS Abraham Lincoln which patrolled the Middle Eastern waters on Tuesday, June 12.

What made the event more special was lead actor Benjamin Walker appeared in full costume of the America's 16th President completed with a fake beard. He greeted thousands of sailors who were on duty aboard the Navy aircraft carrier.

"Becoming Abe abroad the USS Abraham Lincoln and walking the halls was an experience I'll never forget," so the 29-year-old actor said in a statement. "It gave the sailors a chance to feel a bit of Hollywood magic that I hope they won't forget either."

Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith was also on hand at the special event. "Being a guest aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, and showing its crew the film was an eye-opening, life-changing experience," he gushed. "Seriously. I know that sounds like something you're supposed to say to be polite, but it's true."

Producer Jim Lemley, meanwhile, commented, "After landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln and spending time with the brave committed men and women of the United States Navy, it is clear that the undead of the world don't stand a chance!!!"

More than 1,800 sailors packed into the hangar bay during the special screening. After the show, Walker and the other cast and crew had an autograph session and spared some time to take pictures with the sailors.

Prior to the screening at the USS Abraham Lincoln, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" held similar events at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, Africa for almost 700 U.S. troops, as well as at NSA Bahrain for a packed house of military personnel.




17:12 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 1,283

After 30 years of driving I got my first parking ticket today.

Why? Because I did not 'place' the handicap sticker on the rear view mirror.

I had laid it on my dash.

As I don't use it but when I need it *aka- with mom* it seems I am not displaying it correctly.

*flushes $25.00 down the drain*



18:08 Jun 15 2012

I'd imagine you can protest that one...

18:50 Jun 15 2012

Wow yea, put your letter writing skills to use!


02:51 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 1,306

A few days ago my sister was sitting at her desk, having come down to help me write the letter to the military to request a review of my financial report.

She told me tonight she was watching me, sad that an era had ended for us. She said I sat in front of her desk, laptop. I started to write, paused then type a few more words with a smile. I turned it back toward her to print it out, so I can sign it, then scan it to send it in with a email.

"You wrote Fuck You didn't you?" She said my smile grew.. and she has laughed then and several times since.

Yes- I wrote this was a formal request for a review of my reports, and asking for the suspension to be put aside till such time. It was really good till I wrote...

"If you don't see fit to take my request.... fuck you."

She wouldn't let me send it.



I wouldn't of... just felt good writing what I really wanted to.


She took it and took changed it. And we wait to see...



17:37 Jun 15 2012

lmao! you go girl I would have written the same thing , have even said it to a Colonel in the military when one pissed me off .


01:15 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 1,331

My god- when did the whinny ass start on here?

I gave a profile that had very little on it a 5. Got this in return.

Date: 17:49:27 - Jun 14 2012

Rating: 1


Anyone who would give someone a 5 after being on this site for less than a half hour and not yet understanding how this all works is a sad person indeed. You are a sad person. 1. i just wish i couls give you less.

Then sent a private message bitching...

Really- when did the whinny ass bus come to VR?



01:35 Jun 15 2012

Heh, does the whinny bus run along the same route as the wambulance? :P

01:36 Jun 15 2012

a LONG, LONG, time ago......it is just circling round again. :)

01:50 Jun 15 2012

It seems to.

PM- and not from the same member even.

*name removed to keep the drama down, bottom up.*


Well good for you. I remember not to care about a rate. :D

On 01:13:13 Jun 15 2012 (-0 GMT) XXXXXXXXX wrote:

at least I remembered my manners :P hehe I'll let you know when I'm done :) x

On 01:12:04 Jun 15 2012 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

And you know asking for updated rates when you get your profile done is done here.

But hey- You are welcome.

On 01:06:49 Jun 15 2012 (-0 GMT) XXXXXXXX wrote:

thanks for the 1.... so much for giving people a chance to get themselves sorted

02:52 Jun 15 2012

Some Sire's need to learn respect for whelps ... bullying rates get you no respect VW ... you should know better .... shame on you.

03:00 Jun 15 2012

lol Really? Gosh.. as a level ten or so I gave empty profiles 1's.

See- you bring the whole Sire crap into it.

What does that say about your comment? Hmmmm.

03:19 Jun 15 2012

Says more about status going to your head VW ... I remember when you were that level 10 ... as you well know :P

03:36 Jun 15 2012

Gosh... I don't remember you. But then ... I have not changed my name in 6 years, so maybe you have.

And where does it show that the Sire is going to my head? Where does it say "I am a Sire and I am going to show these whelps I have all the power,,,, on a website... online. They will fear me!" Or the bully part? The 5 was left without a word, not even those stamps that tell you what I rate, to see my profile about how I rate, etc.

Bully? You think I am a bully. lol That is rich. Yeap... I bully people on this site all day long. Ask anyone on here- I threaten members, blind them, write journals about them. Sooo me.

And me saying I don't remember you- sure that is all that power going to my head. ;) Hey- just saying it before you do.

04:13 Jun 19 2012

The bus never left.

23:25 Jun 20 2012

Looks like the WAHmbulance is making the rounds again....lol

And half an HOUR!?!?!?! Did they NOT read your info???


00:50 Jun 14 2012
Times Read: 1,355

Watch Haunted Collector on TV, thinking.....

If you inherited a item from a family member. And afterwards you start to get strange feelings, things happen in your home like cold spots, doors opening and closing.

And they 'think' it is the person connected to the item and they want to remove it, to stop the 'haunting', would you let them take the item from you?

I don't think I would. Yes I believe a item might carry or keep some energy of a person- but if they 'visit' you and it is someone like your Mother or Sister- I would want to keep it, them.

If it is something I got at a flea market- oh heck no.

Anyway... just made me think.

I also think ice cream is good..mmmm... rocky road.



04:34 Jun 14 2012

I just love that show.

05:59 Jun 14 2012

What did I tell you about thinking? And pass that ice cream over. Have you tried Blue Bell's Moo-Llennium Crunch yet? It is crazy good!


15:33 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 1,378

I am trying to hide today. Why? The lawn man is coming. This man, tho sweet as can be, is the kind that let's his Mom and Dad take care of him. With them backing him he has been in several "quick cash" business like BBQ, food catering, lawn care *only one he is sticking with*, landscaping which I find funny as he doesn't trim any.

The latest- his parents bought him a nice camera and he is all about it now.

Which is cool but for my sister telling him I was into photography too.

She called him yesterday and he had to get me on the phone, throwing out F Stops, the info on lens, how he was trying to do studio lighting. *sigh* If only people knew how little I know about that stuff. I just "do" my stuff. If it doesn't work out.. cool. Hobby means I do it for fun.

While I might 'know' what he is talking about- doesn't mean I want to talk about it enough to take the fun out of it.

He is to be here today to mow... reason I am trying to hide.

*locks the office doors, puts the min blinds down*



15:35 Jun 13 2012

I've got a decent camera, but I know next to nothing about it...and my sister in law picks it up one day and is doing all this amazing stuff with it, and I'm all "please put my camera down." ha.

15:37 Jun 13 2012

Some folks just have the nack... a good camera does wonders for those like me that just like to point, shoot.

While I have study, know the stuff- do I use it all? No. Too much like work for something I just want to enjoy.

22:29 Jun 13 2012

Exactly, and uh, let's just say I'm a huge fan of the 'automatic' feature haha.



15:22 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 1,380



23:04 Jun 12 2012
Times Read: 1,389

Song just fits my day...




15:27 Jun 12 2012
Times Read: 1,415

Seems a end of an era is going to happen today, or at least by the first of next month. Going on three weeks trying to get the financial report to the military, and it is one hurdler after another.

First the CPA couldn't get into the system

Then waiting for the cert, has to be done online now.

Then he has to re register.

And all this against a deadline of the 15th.

He filed it yesterday, it was declined. Why?

Our company does it's billing at the end of the year, always have. We are flush with cash the first of the year, keeping it for the bills, and poor come the last of the year.

On paper it seems we are not a good solid company. Of course it has been going along since 1953 but still- to the US Government we are not solid.

Do we have cash? Yes. Is it in the company name? No. It is in our personal names- CD's, savings, property, rentals. Cash flow is not what we aim for- we aim to save, invest in something that will pay us in the long run.

So when you ask me what cash the Moving company has- I have to say nothing but what is in it's accounts.

Seems the problem is that at the end of the year cash was less than payroll liabilities, that is a ratio they look at of current assets over current liabilities. My current liabilities for the Moving company? None. Nothing is owed on, the buildings are not in my name even. Well-

they are but with my three sisters.

Even the trucks are not in the Moving company name- but my own. It has no bills, loans other then phone, the basic water and electric and insurance. Seems they can't understand that part.

So it seems the military is shutting us down. After 60 years we are going out of the military. We have hung in these last few years hoping the pay rate would go up on this new system but time to cut our losses. The ADT system can be cut back, the insurance, and I can rent out the buildings, keep the local moves going.

I can not pay the higher insurance bill, the filing fees, the cost that the government added with this new 'online' system that was to save taxpayers money. Funny that as the three men are still at the Base, still drawing a paycheck, and costing them insurance and pensions that this new system was to of replaced.

Take all the money aside- kind of sad to see this end. I mean.. I use to skip school and go on packing jobs if we got a big job. Every spring and summer it was working with the military families. Some of the best people and worst people I have meet was military. The tales I could tell.... :) It was fun while it lasted.

They are reviewing our account, but sure they have a set requirement that I am not going to go out of my way to meet. It has been a good run, but time to pack up and give them one last salute as we leave.

Father's day is this Sunday and I keep thinking what Dad would of said, seeing this day. He would of fought it, saying he had always been a military mover. But he would of faced it was time, it just isn't worth what we pay in to stay VS what we are getting paid back. Take the emotions out of it- it is clear we need to end our time moving the military members and their families.

I think Dad would of listen to reason, and seen this. Then he would of said "Well- its been a good haul. A long haul but one that paid us well. We should be grateful for it, and hope the best for all the families."

Yeap- Dad would of been sad to see it end. Heck- I am myself, crying thinking of all the families we moved, the people I meet, the Bluebarks we did. *code for when the service member passed away, you deliver his or her items to family*

And we move onward, forward...



15:31 Jun 12 2012

You're one hell of a woman.

16:06 Jun 12 2012

it sounded of a very good long haul. blessed be to thoses you did get to meet. :)

16:31 Jun 12 2012

I can only imagine how hard this choice was for you. But good on you to make it now, instead of later. I hope it opens other unexpected doors for your business.

16:44 Jun 12 2012

I,m sorry hon, but you're very Resilient I'm sure you'll find something to make up for it .

00:57 Jun 17 2012

I know you'll survive and adapt to continue if you wish to but how the government in so very much debt can look at a 50+ year company that's never cheated or defaulted on any jobs or claims unreliable is beyond me. Your dad would've been proud of how you're handling this but I too think he'd have said they've gone too far with this crap.


13:45 Jun 12 2012
Times Read: 1,426

Watched a movie last night called The Divide. It was one of those that never really got press, not like a blockbusters. Only one actor I knew in it even.

But it has me thinking like no other movie has in years.

"After a cataclysmic explosion wipes out New York City, eight survivors blockade themselves in their apartment building basement, but claustrophobia and other armed attackers turn the tenants against one another as they scramble to escape."

It starts out with the explosion, going into a room full of strangers, some creepy, some outspoken, others shy and in shock. And you don't get the backgrounds either, the actors bring them to life with just a word here, another there. It was half way into the movie before I realized two of them was married, not just boyfriend/ girlfriend. Nothing is laid out for you- it opens up slowly, teasing you with the actions of the people, leaving you to try and understand why they take the actions they do.

Really a great movie, even tho you are left with questions *like what happen, why are the people outside doing what they are doing* it wasn't a movie that left you hanging. It just picked up from where it was and went with it.

And some great acting.

If you get a chance to see this movie- do. It is a sleeper hit if you like the human interplay when it comes to the end of the world. Or at least the city. :)



14:12 Jun 12 2012

Sounds good, it shall be added to an already lengthy list.


17:45 Jun 10 2012
Times Read: 1,448

We put up my sister's pool. It is a 12 ft by 30 inch deep pool. Just enough to play in.

Late yesterday we got in for a little- today I am red as a lobster. lol Sunburn on my shoulders, arms, back, front of my chest.

But I really do like her pool, it has been years since she had one, and we both missed it. Just enough to get wet, float about.

True Blood comes on tonight. :D Really looking forward to it.



17:53 Jun 10 2012

Pool Party?

18:20 Jun 10 2012

Be a small party but.. sure Mule. :)

18:30 Jun 10 2012

I'm so jealous, I love those type of pools. As for you, I hope you wore a hat :-p


23:28 Jun 07 2012
Times Read: 1,483

Seems I need to talk something out and as I am alone at home after a long day, too tired to stand, my journal is going to be my release. And I think things thru better when I write them out. I can see why doctors tell you to keep a journal to deal with life stress and life changing events in your life.

I came home today to be told some news that kind of have me upset. Those who know me know my Aunt was killed over 20 years ago in Florida, her body and face beaten and stomped in the face enough to force face reconstruction for a open coffin, which her ex husband requested, paid for since he was the estate POA.

It was the first time a loved one was taken from in a violent way, this one a home invasion. She lived alone, in her 70’s. The oldest of my mother’s sisters. I could really just rant here but I am trying my best to not let the rage take over. A rage like any I have ever felt before, or since.

Two men were convicted of the crime. One is still on death row, these many many years later. He and his buddy was video taped selling her rings, etc. at pawn shops. His tennis shoe when the Georgia State Trooper caught them when the arrest warrant went out was the same ‘print’ as the one in my Aunt’s blood. Even still had trace blood on it.

The friend testified against the one, saying he knew he was going in to rob the ‘old lady’ but he never knew he was going to kill her, that when he came back out of the home he was covered in blood. He helped the man burn his clothing, get cleaned up. Now- do I believe that? No. I think he went into the home, he helped kill her. They had some proof of this but the defense decided that with him testifying, they would let him go with 12 years prison time.

He was out in 10. They called, let the family know he had been released. We got the call from him a few days later. Seems he wanted us to forgive him, and to write a letter to the judge for his friend to try and get him off death row. We called his probation officer and never heard from him again.

Till today. Seems he got in trouble right after getting out, and has spent the last 6 years in a drug rehab/ jail for an abuse charge. He seems to of beat up his girlfriend, almost killing her.

He will be released in August, if not earlier for good behavior.

I am sorry but… you know on TV how people pay to have another person killed…I think of that often. I will kill anyone who is trying to kill me, fight them- which my Aunt did as her broken hands, arms showed.

But could I kill another human being for harm to me and mine? Yes. Give me a sniper rifle, and I would take two lives without a blink. Not very christen of me but then I always believed an eye for an eye in life.

And, to me, this shows this man just needs to be in a cage. For life.



02:43 Jun 08 2012

I dont even have words to say to you about this.It makes me cry just reading it.

I cannot comfort you in any way with meager words VW,so I wont even try.

But if I could,I would.

Im so,so sorry.

05:08 Jun 08 2012

You have every right to feel the way you do. *hugs*

Oceanne is right, there are no proper words to help you feel better. Love you sis.

10:02 Jun 08 2012

The premature loss of a loved one can never be replaced and your grief is shown in the anger you feel, and rightly so. But of course you will do what is right as that is the person you are. x

18:52 Jun 09 2012

I keep telling myself that they will get what they deserve in the end... whether this be true or not. But it's a small drop of hope in an ocean of chaos.

19:00 Jun 10 2012

I cannot begin to say I undertand what you ar going through, since nothing like this has ever happened to someone close to me. But I can certainly understand the feeling of doing whatever it takes to protect the ones you love. It isn't unchristian, and I don't fault you for it at all.

I love you too, you know that.


13:50 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 1,520

Watching Black Swan last night just before bed made for some strange dreams.

The movie was... I can't decide if I like it or not.

Just that kind of movie.

The kind you almost have to watch twice to make any sense of it- but then it wasn't all that good the first time.


Oh well...

At least I danced in my dreams, black feathers and all.



13:53 Jun 05 2012

The main cool part about that movie is when she was transforming into the black swan. Awesome make-up effects. lol

14:21 Jun 05 2012

Yes it was. Just left you hanging tho on part- like did she stab the other dance in the face with the nail file? Or did the lady do it herself like it showed? If that even happen.

Just so much left hanging. And watching it again will not answer those questions.

22:18 Jun 05 2012

I loved the movie- saw it when it came out in the theaters.


20:52 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 1,534

On a positive note- today is my Mom's birthday. She is 83 today.


Boggle the mind to think of the changes she has seen, lived thru since 1929.



23:12 Jun 04 2012

omg, my mother b-day too... she is 76 today. happy birthday to your mother!!!!

01:08 Jun 05 2012

Happy Birthday Mama! :D


15:43 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 1,547

The military has started a few years ago to ask for finical reports for the company, same as the state does. So I let the CPA do them each year.


The military has switched and now you have to pay $100.00 to get the CPA certified to do this online, as they refuse to take it any other way.

He has requested the electrical cert over two weeks ago as I had to give him the info, so I was thinking it was done with.

This morning I get a email saying my report is not filled and I will be suspended this week.

I called the CPA- he is still waiting for the website to let him on, his certificate so he can file the damn thing. *his words, not mine*

So I sent a nice email to the man telling me he is going to suspend, and how we are waiting for the website to issue a electronic cert. so he could file it. It will be done as soon as he is able to get onto the site.

Only to be told that the government will not give me a extension as it was due today. No he could not check to see that the certificate is in processing. He did not care.

Fuckers...you are the ones who makes us deal with the damn site. The least you could do it make sure it FUCKING WORKS!

Yet another point why we should get out of the military section.

I should of just saved my $100.00, and the CPA bill.




14:43 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 1,552

Calling the move for in the morning I asked the normal questions and when he tells me they should be done before noon, I had to point out I didn't think that was going to happen.

"What do you mean? It should fit in the 4 hours min you have."

"Sir- you have three bedrooms, a dining room, living room, stove, freezer, washer and dryer. You are asking us to drive across town to a min storage to drop off three pieces and pick up two from the min storage. The driving time is going to be at least a hour on this move. It is not going to be done in 4 hours."

"Well- let me call you back."

He does- to cancel.


Oh lord, why don't you give me

the winning lottery ticket.

So I can tell some people

to kiss my fucking ass.




15:11 Jun 04 2012

o.O I wish I could just gift you the money, so you could do that.

16:03 Jun 04 2012

I think the menagerie needs to start group buying lotto tickets...........then share when we win. :)

13:52 Jun 06 2012

Didn't that asshat know your teleporter is out of commission?

00:38 Jun 10 2012

Catchy tune :)


02:12 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 1,559

Was looking forward to the Ice Road Truckers. Seems the cast/ drivers have been changed. And since I only like two of the drivers now- Alex and Jake, and it is an all men show... I think it is time to go do my full moon ritual instead.


Might even have a fire outside afterwards.




00:11 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 1,563

Alien Resurrection movie rocks. While I am not a fan of Ryder - it is still one of the best. The first and second are the only other two I watch.

The jail planet one I will not ever see again.

But back to Resurrection- the alien at the end that had human DNA ... loved.





18:55 Jun 03 2012
Times Read: 1,576

Housework and laundry is the plans for the day. Slept in till 11:00am, so getting a late start.

Went over to Cat's and helped her and her sister paint their kitchen. Then supper, so I never got the dollhouse home yet. It is done tho, just have to get it home.

Cat wants to do a winter fairy box. We are still trying to figure out how to take our vision and make it. :) I think that is the best part myself, letting our minds wonder as we never give a thought to how to make it. lol

We want a twig throne chairs for the Queen and King of the fairies, up on a raise with steps going up to them, maybe a cloth draped area. Below this a nice table set up for guest with chairs made of twigs, with a small creek running along the tree line, snow covered. And one special tree that we will decorate with 'shinny' things. :) I see rhinestones out of my makeup stuff being used.

Sort of a mix of Mad Hatter tea party and Midsummer Night's Dream which is Cat's favorite.

We got a lot to thinking and planning before we start this one. Background is the first step, to cover or paint the sides of the box with a winter forest image. Then how to make snow that will not fade, change color over the years. The water, chairs, table settings, food, trees. We plan to maybe do some lights in this one.


Can't wait. But as the Yule Cabin took us over 7 months... we will see. ;)



20:45 Jun 03 2012

This is a project that I can't wait to see you gals put into motion.

Hope you get the snow sorted out as I can see that being a problem, see you have me thinking now, I do have an idea thou :-p

21:14 Jun 03 2012

For goodness sakes share any ideals with us on this one. lol It's going to be fun but I agree I love the gathering of our thoughts about what we want to do with it is the best part. Although the satisfaction at the end is pretty darn awesome too :)


13:46 Jun 01 2012
Times Read: 1,609

Seems I am a prune.

Or so I was told this morning.

All because I did not want to hear about the blow job you got last night.




13:51 Jun 01 2012

Ugg. I swear people sometimes....

14:09 Jun 01 2012



Are you edible?


14:46 Jun 01 2012

LOL!! Well ok then.

Thats so dumb.

15:14 Jun 01 2012

Uh Ewww gross! seeing as I wouldn't want to hear or see it either guess it puts me right there beside ya. its fine I don't mind I like ya Prune or Prude either's fine with me . at least we have class.

20:29 Jun 01 2012

Why not? That's so HOTTT!!



03:45 Jun 02 2012

pssssttttt......I think you might mean prude

Otherwise, hearing about a blowjob making you all wrinkly might go over......wrong......

13:59 Jun 06 2012

Tell em.. Look buddy, unless you did it yourself I don't want to hear about it.


00:31 Jun 01 2012
Times Read: 1,243

Spam profiles. We all see them. Tonight I log into VR to just do the hour or so of things I do each day- check profiles, Main forum, check journals for spammers, some other things. Its been a long day so I don't plan to be on long but try and do these few things each day.

Dear VR Members who are giving these spam profiles low rate- thank you. So much easier to spot these when they are low rates. I spot a profile with 3.5 rate I call it a safe bet it is spam. Like this one I just suspended.

Times Rated: 22

Rating: 3.678

Thanks to those members who take the time to read, to at least glance enough to see a link, and don't give an auto 10.

Makes my work easier. :)



00:36 Jun 01 2012

I always hit them with a 1. Knocks it down quite a bit. ;)

00:47 Jun 01 2012

I do, too.

I usually mark "SPAM" in the comment, too.


00:55 Jun 01 2012

Your welcome!


01:52 Jun 01 2012

you're welcome :)

do it with all 5 at the time so it pulls them down a bit

funny is when I see stamps or copy paste comment saying: I like what I saw or great work or awsome profile.... and a 10

muhaaaaaa I always wonder ... when they leave for work and look at the mirror... what do they see? LMAO must be worth a picture lol

02:25 Jun 01 2012

since some of them love me so much lol i ussually do the 1 rating lol just for kicks :D not like they will take the time to rate me back :D it ussually does a good bump down lol

03:50 Jun 01 2012

Totally agree! I always rate em low.

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